Monday, January 7, 2008

Body By Dog is Born...

As we pushed down the Alameda Creek Trail in the winter of 2008, my three kids and Labrador Retriever in tow, my husband couldn't help but comment on my "fit" appearance. I thanked him, but humbly credited my dog, saying, "I owe it all to my dog--she's my motivation to get out every day." Like a bolt of lightening, I was immediately charged with the idea to share the joy of fitness with a canine companion. How many others feel as though they need to pursue countless diets, obtain gym memberships, or purchase fitness videos and exercise equipment in an effort to get in shape and stay that way. The secret is in the dog. The dog is the most consistant and enthusiastic workout partner you will ever have. Always ready to frequent the streets or trails in any weather, at any time of day. In an effort to share this secret, Body By Dog is born.

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